10 best Armored Core 6 decal designs and their Share ID

April 2024 · 5 minute read

Like prior FromSoftware titles, Armored Core 6 features a set of social features, such as online PvP and sharing of custom designs. Mech designs, in particular, can be shared freely amongst the playerbase via the use of uniquely generated ID codes. Shareable designs include entire mech layouts, paints, and decals. Players can import these user-generated creations to decorate an Armored Core to their liking.

Finding good decals can be quite an uphill task for Armored Core 6 players. Thus, they can refer to our ranked list of the 10 most creative decals they can equip on their Armored Core to slay mechs in style. Players should note that the Share IDs mentioned in the article are platform-specific.

Note: This article is subjective and reflects the author’s opinions.

The 10 best Armored Core 6 decals, along with their respective Share IDs

10) Berserk Brand

The Berserk Brand of Sacrifice is worn by the series protagonist, Guts, and fits quite well into a mech loadout. The Share IDs for the brand are as follows:

9) Rhodes Island

Featuring the popular Rhodes Island group from the mobile game Arknights, this particular decal will catch the fans' eye. Painstakingly recreated, the decal represents the warriors of Rhodes Island. The share ID is as follows:

8) Kirby

Nintendo’s cute pink mascot, Kirby, has been crafted into Armored Core 6 in a rather interesting transformation. This unique-looking mech can be accessed via the following Share ID:

7) Student Driver

This particular decal was created by user Treese1 after spending about 20 tries on the tutorial level, and as such, is quite indicative of first-timers jumping into Armored Core 6. This hilarious decal possesses the Share ID:

6) Gundam

An Armored Core list without the mention of Gundams would be rather lacking, and the sixth spot on our list belongs to ”Seig Zeon,” painstakingly crafted by user ConchobarMacNess. The Share ID for the decal is:

5) The School of The Wolf brand from The Witcher

User Ishkah_ spent a tremendous 3 hours creating a perfect replica of the Witcher logo, as seen in both the excellent video games from CD Projekt Red as well the TV series from Netflix starring Henry Cavill. This Armored Core 6 creation has the Share ID:

4) Autobot Logo

Playing through Armored Core is bound to bring up fond memories of the Transformers franchise, with its two signature factions. As such, players looking for a more “heroic” approach can use the Autobot decal. The Share ID for this decal is:

3) Decepticon logo

The more adventurous players can join the dark side and take on the role of the antagonistic Decepticons. Players can use the Share ID as they brutally tear down armies of mechs:

2) Elden Ring

Paying homage to FromSoftware’s equally excellent open-world title, this decal references the logo for Elden Ring. This painstakingly recreated logo possesses the Share ID:

1) Evangelion

This list would be incomplete without an Evangelion reference, and the NERV logo takes our top spot in this list. Players can use the Share ID to etch this iconic logo within the mechs of Armored Core 6:

Armored Core 6 was released worldwide on August 25, 2023, for the PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One. This mech combat game features extensive customization that allows for rather unique builds, which the community has embraced gracefully.

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