Akon To Run For President In 2024 He Wants Kanye West To Run As Well

June 2024 · 2 minute read

Akon seems to be considering the idea of running for president in 2024. He recently addressed the subject on The Real, and he brought up Kanye West as well.

The Shade Room has more details on the issue, and you can check them out below.

TSR reported that Akon was a guest on the latest episode of The Real, and during his interview, it’s been mentioned the fact that he was once ready to run for president in 2020.

‘However, all bets were off after he realized he wouldn’t be able to do his music. However, now that he’s doing his music one last time, it looks like he could possibly run in 2024,’ TSR writes.

TSR cited Akon as saying the following: ‘I know what the issues are, and as a person, as an immigrant, as a black man, as whatever you want to call it. I kind of know or feel like I know that I can take the country and move it forward.’

He then went on to talk about how he is currently advising 30 African presidents, and how it is based on the development of the youth.


Kanye West was also mentioned and Akon was asked whether he sees Kim Kardashian’s hubby as a potential threat.

He responded that there would not be such a thing as competition between them.

Someone said: ‘That’s a hard no…..bro got a whole song about being locked up and not able to come out 💀😂’

Another commenter posted this: ‘What he does for Africa is amazing but I think America politics are too much for him.’

One follower wrote: ‘Akon has done sooooo much for Africa !!! And I’m sure he will do the same for America !!! He has my vote.’

Someone else said: ‘Now if Akon ran I would probably vote for him, I see what he does for Africa and stuff, but Kanye 😗’


Would you vote for Akon?
