How to remove fog in Minecraft 1.19 update?

April 2024 ยท 5 minute read

The Fog in Minecraft 1.19 update is a graphical feature that hazes far-off terrain generation. Although this is present to improve the overall FPS of the game, some players might not like the fog simply because it hampers their vision. Even if they increase the render distance of the game, the fog will still be present after a certain distance. This can be especially annoying in the Nether realm.

Since the sandbox game has a near-endless world map, players travel far and wide to look for all kinds of structures and biomes. Hence, they usually want a clear view of what's ahead of them. Fortunately, there is a trick to removing fog from the world. However, it does require a mod.

Remove fog from Minecraft 1.19 update with a mod

Using OptiFine

Fog settings through OptiFine for Minecraft 1.19 update (Image via Mojang)

If gamers have been playing the popular game for a while, they must've heard of the mod 'OptiFine'. It is arguably the most famous graphical mod that players can run to drastically improve their in-game FPS and the overall look and feel of Minecraft 1.19.

It not only changes the basic chunk rendering system but also allows players to tweak a plethora of other graphical settings that were not available in the vanilla version.

Once players download the compatible version of the mod, they can simply install it and run a new modded version of the game through the official game launcher. If players want to immediately change the fog settings, they can follow these steps:

  • Go to the main settings
  • Head over to 'Video Settings'
  • Press the 'Details' tab
  • Find the 'Fog' button and cycle through the options until it is 'Off'
  • This way, players can completely remove the fog from the entire game. Once the settings are saved, they can simply enter any world and look around to notice that there is no fog. This is most noticeable when players enter the Nether realm since they will be able to see all the far-off structures and biomes.

    Effects of the fog being removed through OptiFine, far-off Nether blocks are also visible in Minecraft 1.19 (Image via Mojang)

    However, players must be careful since they might experience some FPS drops. Fog is intentionally kept in the game by default to increase the overall smoothness of the game; hence, removing it might have some issues on some computers. On the other hand, the plus point is that one can keep increasing the render distance to see even the farthest of blocks.

    Players can even use shaders to further beautify Minecraft 1.19 update (Image via Mojang)

    Apart from completely removing the fog, players can do a lot more with OptiFine. One of the main features of the mod is that it supports and runs beautiful shaders to make the game look completely different. Plus, players can constantly see the FPS counter inside the game and also have a detailed view of what each and every video settings do in the game.

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