Kim Kardashians Surgical Scar From Boob Job Plastic Surgery Implants on Display in Paris (PHOTOS)

April 2024 · 2 minute read

Kim Kardashian's Surgical Scars From Boob Job Plastic Surgery Implants on Display in Paris (PHOTOS)

Kim Kardashian showed off more than she realized in Paris on January 21st. It seems that a scar above her breast is clearly visible in the photo below. I just noticed this when I was putting the pics into the post and thought it deserved comment.  So read on and enjoy the original post.

Kanye West could be called a lot of things, but has he ever been called a famewhore? To the best of my knowledge, he’s never been as attention-seeking as he became after he got engaged to the queen famewhore, Kim Kardashian. It’s been pretty obvious that Kim’s desperate quest to be the center of attention has rubbed off on Kanye, and not in a good way. Whereas his interviews beforehand always had a hint of ego and rambling in them, lately they’ve gone to a whole different level. What started out as humble bragging has now turned into straight up bragging and name dropping, and in his battle to defend Kim against media criticism, he’s doing the complete opposite. He’s now opened himself up to the same amount of criticism, all focused at him.

I mean, let’s look at the evidence: just a few months ago, Kanye claimed that he wanted to protect his daughter’s privacy, and yet, he and Kim are doing photo-ops and ‘candid’ outings every few weeks with North West. There’s also the fact that Kanye’s agreed to a TV wedding even though he claims to hate reality television and pointless attention seeking – and what is a TV wedding, if not pointless and attention-seeking?

Check out Kim’s plastic surgery scar – you can’t miss it – guess she forgot the makeup?

Kim Kardashian's Surgical Scars From Boob Job Plastic Surgery Implants on Display in Paris (PHOTOS)

It’s not hard to see that Kim’s had a major influence on him, and although sources have claimed that Kanye’s calling the shots on their wedding, it’s possible that Kim’s manipulating the situation to make it seem like that. The couple’s currently in France scouting for wedding locations, but what’s the bet that this was also Kim’s idea?

What do you guys think? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Kim Kardashian's Surgical Scar From Boob Job Plastic Surgery Implants on Display in Paris (PHOTOS)

Photo Credit: FameFlynet
