The Meaning Behind The Song: Keep It in the Family by Anthrax

April 2024 · 4 minute read

As a filmmaker, I have always been fascinated by the power of music to convey emotions and messages. One song that has always struck a chord with me is “Keep It in the Family” by Anthrax. I remember stumbling upon this song at a friend’s house and being captivated by its powerful lyrics and intense energy.

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An Analysis of the Lyrics

The lyrics of “Keep It in the Family” delve into the issue of racial prejudice and how it is perpetuated through generations. The song opens with an instrumental intro that sets the tone for the strong and unapologetic message to follow.

The first verse starts by addressing the concept of a “public enemy.” Anthrax points out that it is not the person who speaks their mind that should be labeled as such, but rather the individual who chooses to be blind to the truth. The lyrics touch upon the futile search for answers in the face of ignorance and the consequences of rash actions.

The pre-chorus emphasizes the need for understanding and the importance of recognizing how far society has drifted from reason. The separatists mentioned in the song are those who promote division and discrimination. Anthrax suggests that the consequences of their actions will ultimately lead to an unconscious state, devoid of any real solutions.

In the chorus, Anthrax boldly states “I’m the truth, I don’t keep it in the family.” This line challenges the idea that prejudices are passed down from one generation to another as an inherent belief. The lyrics encourage listeners to break free from inherited prejudices and to live their lives beyond the constraints of family biases.

The second verse continues to criticize those who propagate racism and discrimination without truly understanding why they feel this way. The lyrics highlight the influence of parental beliefs and the impact it has on shaping one’s ability to reason. It questions the validity of holding onto hatred when it is merely a product of misguided teachings.

The bridge of the song declares rebellion against the perpetuation of prejudice, asserting that “we don’t keep it in the family.” Anthrax expresses the belief that truth and enlightenment can only be achieved by rejecting the cycle of inherited hatred.

The song concludes with a powerful outro, further emphasizing the need to break free from the confines of prejudice and discrimination.

Personal Interpretation

For me, “Keep It in the Family” goes beyond the lyrics and represents the need for each individual to challenge their own beliefs and question the status quo. It serves as a reminder that we should not let ourselves be defined solely by our upbringing but rather strive to forge our own path based on empathy, understanding, and acceptance.

The song resonates with my own experiences as a filmmaker, where I constantly strive to address social issues and shed light on the consequences of prejudice and discrimination through storytelling. “Keep It in the Family” serves as a reminder of the importance of using art as a medium for change and as a catalyst for introspection.

The Artists Behind the Song

Anthrax, formed in 1981, is one of the pioneering bands of thrash metal. Their lyrics often touch upon social and political issues, making them one of the most influential bands in the genre. The song “Keep It in the Family” is from their fifth studio album, “Persistence of Time,” released in 1990.

The song was produced by Mark Dodson and Anthrax, with lyrics written by Frank Bello, Charlie Benante, Joey Belladonna, Dan Spitz, and Scott Ian. It features lead vocals by Joey Belladonna, with backing vocals by Dan Spitz, Scott Ian, and Frank Bello. The album was released under Island Records and Megaforce Records.


“Keep It in the Family” by Anthrax is a powerful song that addresses the issue of racial prejudice and the need to break free from inherited biases. Its thought-provoking lyrics serve as a call to action, urging listeners to question their beliefs and strive for a more inclusive and accepting world. As a filmmaker, this song has had a significant impact on me and has inspired me to continue exploring social issues through my work.
