Transgender MMA fighter Gita Figueroa set to fight her fears on Bear Grylls' show

April 2024 ยท 4 minute read

Transgender MMA fighter Gita Figueroa is set to appear on Bear Grylls' show.

I Survived Bear Grylls is a competitive adventure series that premiered last night on May 18. As the name suggests, the show is hosted by renowned survival expert, Bear Grylls, who is most famous for his series Man vs. Wild and Jordan Conley.

Gita Figueroa a transgender MMA fighter has joined the show as a contestant. She recently took to Twitter to reveal the same and stated:

"I'll be on Bear Grylls new show!!!"

Take a look at her tweet below:

Figueroa, who is known to compete against men made her MMA debut last year at the World Class Fight League 31 and kicked off her professional career with a win. The transgender MMA fighter then returned to the cage for her second bout, this time against Shane Mistretta. However, she ended up losing the fight.

For her third bout of the year, Gita Figueroa took on Manny Pinto at World Class Fight League 33 in October last year. The 34-year-old encountered the same fate and ended up losing the bout via first-round TKO.

As of now, Gita Figueroa seems to have taken a step away from MMA as she competed in her first kickboxing bout earlier this year. In her kickboxing debut, she went up against Brittany Vaughn and secured a split-decision victory.

I Survived Bear Grylls: What is the show Gita Figueroa competing in about?

I Survived Bear Grylls is a show inspired by the adventures that the host of the show, Bear Grylls has been involved in throughout his career. The participants of the show have to compete against each other in survival challenges provided by Grylls.

The survival instincts, knowledge, and adaptation skills of the participants will be tested on the show. Moreover, the participants will also have to eat whatever they can find in the wild just like Bear Grylls did in his previous shows.

The trailer for the show was released more than a month ago. It was evident from the trailer that the show will be highly captivating with its refreshing addition to the world of reality TV.

I Survived Bear Grylls started to air on TBS from May 18, 2023, at 9:00 pm ET/PT.

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