What We Learnt About Season 4 of The Originals at SDCC

April 2024 · 6 minute read

The Originals cast had individual interviews with Clevver News at SDCC and revealed some pretty exciting spoilers for season 4!

5 year time jump

If you remember how the season 3 finale went down, Klaus sacrificed himself to Marcel in order to protect his family. Marcel then sealed Klaus behind a wall after stabbing him with Papa Tunde’s blade. After a long five years it’s only right that we have the return of Klaus as an episode without him just isn’t right!

Hope is now a young girl

The 5 year time jump can only mean a much older Hope. We’re guessing she is about 7 years old so we’ll get to see Hope speak and show off a brand new personality. The actress they are wanting is yet to set a deal on the role therefore we have no news as of yet on who the little actress the cast and crew keep going on about is. We can’t wait to see her!

Klaus is going to be withdrawn and have his walls up

Of course, this news isn’t exactly new as Klaus pretty much always has his walls up and never expresses his feelings, however, this time round will possibly be worse as he has missed five years of his daughter’s life. Being stuck behind a wall for five years isn’t something you can just come back from. New Orleans will have changed from when he last saw it, his family will be dealing with their own shifts as they have also been locked away for five years, he’s going to feel very neglected. He’s also going to have his daughter to face. The last time he saw her was when she was just a baby, so now to see her as a child, he’s going to feel extremely nervous and hope that she understands why he has been absent for so long.

Marcel is back at the top of the food chain

With Klaus and his family out of his way for five years, Marcel has had time to restore New Orleans and make it his again. We will see the Marcel that we saw in season one, just before Klaus took away everything he had built. He will be more confident, he will once again be the leader up in his brand new penthouse.

A possible bond between Hope and Freya

Hope and Freya have a lot of similarities. They were both born as a witch, therefore, Freya can guide Hope and help her to understand the family she’s been born in to. Freya isn’t overly close with her brothers so it’ll be interesting to see her relationship with her niece develop over time.

Freya is a female Klaus

Freya and Klaus have very strong personalities and they both are extremely over protective about their family which makes them bond the most. Klaus is going to be a whole different Klaus this upcoming season. He’ll be much quieter and softer as he will be adjusting to life again and bonding with his daughter. Freya will be taking over as the hard ass of the family in order to keep protecting them from the bad things that are most likely to happen due to their returns.

The Mikaelson family will re-emerge and find Klaus

On the season 3 finale, Freya does a linking spell that connects all the siblings and ties them to Klaus’ life force. There will be many side effects from the Mikaelson family coming back. Their characters as a whole may change dynamically so that’s exciting! Of course, as their heroic brother did save their lives in some way, this season will focus on them fighting to get Klaus back and stop his suffering.

Hope and Hayley have a great relationship

This was of course going to happen as Hayley is all Hope has had for the past five years as she doesn’t know her dad, her aunts or her uncles. They’ve both gotten to bond without any witches trying to take Hope away or any sort of danger regarding Klaus and his siblings. It’s been smooth sailing for them so it will definitely be exciting to see how drastically things will change once the whole family reunite!

Hope is very curious about her aunts and uncles

We’re assuming Hayley has had the “your Uncle Elijah, Uncle Kol and Aunty Rebekah are all original vampires, Aunty Freya is a witch like you, your dad is an original hybrid and I’m a normal hybrid” talk with Hope which probably caused A LOT of confusion! Hope must be extremely curious about who her family is giving that she hasn’t truly met any of them as to where she can actually remember them and also knowing they are unique like her, a child will also want to know everything possible. It will be great to see her adapt around her powers and her family’s.

There will be some closure regarding Cami and Davina

The heartbreaking moments of Cami and Davina’s deaths last season will of course always be something all the characters hold on to and they will most definitely never be forgotten. There have been talks on bringing the girls back whether it be for a dream, a memory or actually bringing them to life.

We’ll see Hayley and Freya connect more

With Hayley’s girls Cami and Davina now gone, Hayley and Freya will now have more time to connect and spread some girl power! They never really had a strong connection in the last season so to see them now grow a possible bond due to the lack of females in the group now, we could see them come together as two strong empowering women who are just as strong as the males of the family.

Does a New Orleans witch ever really die?

No, they really don’t. So many witches have been brought back in previous seasons so there is 100% a way to get Davina back at some point. With Freya being the one to kill her, Freya should now take her time back in the world to revive Davina. Davina was the most powerful witch in New Orleans, sure she wasn’t the most liked witch but they are going to need her and with Freya still growing as a witch, she might not always be able to help in the way they need.

Hope could have a dark side and be powerful

Phoebe Tonkin is especially excited to see Hope’s personality as a child and suspects that Hope could be a lot like Klaus, in a bad way. Phoebe believes that Hope could have a dark side and be pretty damn powerful just like her dad. Will Klaus allow this though? We highly doubt Klaus would ever let her daughter become a danger in any sort of way. Due to Klaus’ previous daddy issues, it will most likely be that Klaus will become a positive role model for her daughter unlike his dad was to him. The whole family is capable of many dangerous things, so if they want to keep Hope humble, they need to show her powers for the good and not the bad.

Freya possibly bisexual?

Julie Plec recently said that Freya could possibly have a romantic interest as she hasn’t had one in however many years which is pretty exciting! Julie also never said it would be a boyfriend which is probably everybody’s assumptions, Julie said it could either be a man or woman so we’ll have to wait and see if they go on with this idea of Freya being open to both genders!

Are you excited for this big five year time jump? Tweet us over at @CelebMix!
